I Can't Believe...


...that you are one.  How did a full year go by already?  Did that really just fly by, so fast?!

It was just 365 days ago that we welcomed you, little one, into this great big world.  And within 24 hours we were two nervous parents, trying to decide what was best for you.  Then, we made the big decision to send you to Children's, all by your lonesome, to be met later by Grandma and Grandpa, while Mama and Daddy were still at our hometown hospital.  You were treated for newborn pneumonia, but that was never confirmed...you were just a fast little breather.  A little one that had your parents nervous to their wits end, but it all turned out just great.

And now, now, we can't even get you to stop moving to get a dirty diaper off of you and into a new one!  You're our little busy body and don't give up without one heck-of-a-fight.

Maia, you're our littlest little (maybe always, and maybe not...), but for now you are our 'runt'...and a runt you're not.  Holding your own just shy of 5 lbs and 12 months behind your bigger sister, Kira.

Almost walking, but moving really fast doesn't allow for more than 2 steps at a time.  Here's your newest move...the knee walk!

You are truly one-of-a-kind and have youngest child written ALL OVER your face!  You watch your big sisters' every moves, learning what to do (and more importantly what not to do), picking up on the 'tricks of the trade'.

You're a quiet little one, with a voice that can boom over everyone elses when you want it to.  Lets just say it takes a mightly little voice to be heard over two older sisters...and you got it babe!

Maia, we feel so...SO blessed to have you in our lives and look forward to many many more great memories.  We love ya Miss Maia!!


Erin said...

how cute! Love all the pictures :)

Erin said...

Opps . . hope she had a great birthday :)

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