Blogging...this is something new to me but I've been inspired lately by another, quite spectacular blogger (in my mind). See her blog at ...and something in you will just come to life. Thank you Kelle for inspiring me to be better and to share our life as we're just trying to keep it real.
keep it real, came to me as I was driving our little Bella to dance one day. I was being 'nudged' to do something and share what I have while on this Earth and I believe we're all here for a reason, and we, our little family of 5, are just trying to keep it real.
I hope that this blog becomes something more, a sharing point for not only family but also maybe some people that are just led here, unsuspectantly, just as I was to Kelle's blog. I seriously just stumbled upon a link, on someones Facebook page one day back in February and I've been hooked to her and her family since. There's something comforting to hear that there are others that don't have a clean house, don't care if there are a pile of dishes in the sink, love to just drop the duties to have fun with your girls in the backyard; someone that wants to keep life as real and as simple as possible and enjoy the chaos and suck every drop out of every day.
We're only here for a short time, why not live it up and love until you think you can't love anymore...and then you find more room in your heart for more lovin.
I also want to do this, not only as an outlet to the world as a stay at home (yet working) mama, but to share what I've been so blessed to be a 'part' of with people I have never even met. It's amazing what technology can do and who it can bring together. As many of you know, I have my own business, bekima knits, and in my short six months of business I've felt a part of so many peoples lives and I really feel like I can call them friends. Although we've never met, I still want to be a part of their lives and I hope through this blog and bekima knits I can bring great things for people that just need to be lifted up.
...and maybe that's why I've been put on this Earth...who knows, I'm still learning and God is slowly and steadily revealing my path and I pray that I can be a part of yours.
~ Tanya
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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