

If you would've asked me 5 years ago what balance was to me, I would have replied with something along the lines of figuring out when I'd figure my college homework into my not so lively day.  I had no need to balance a whole lot of nothin'.  That was 'back in the day' and now you ask me about balance, and I could probably compose a short novel for you on how I try to apply balance in my days, weeks, months and years.

Note the key word, try, I do try everyday to attempt to find a good balance juggling between the interests and needs of 3 little girls, laundry, cleaning, cooking, and maintaining a home business which I strictly leave to when the girls are sleeping.  Insert 'How do you do it?' and my response is always the same, 'I don't know, I just do it'.

I seriously don't know how I do it, and I admit some days are super UN-balanced and I'm usually drained by the end of these days.  But these days are becoming fewer and farer in between all of our funner and more balanced days.  I've learned to multi-task, and I honestly don't think I'm ever not multi-tasking; it's just who I am (ask my husband).  But key to this greater success at balanced times is knowing when to drop the unnessesary tasks and enjoy life.  Simply take in the world around you and join in!  Most days, my house is a filthy mess, just like the floor at my feet, screaming out to me that some serious fun was had on this floor this evening by 3 little girls and their Daddy.  Which I love.  I love that there is evidence, right here, that fun...lots of fun occured in this room all day today.

I cringe at myself sometimes when I tell Bella 'No, Mommy has to do _____ right now, I'll do that with you in a bit."...then a little while later, when Mommy still isn't done and Bella is still waiting...I cringe a little more.  I hate it and I think as moms it just comes out every once in a while and learning to put your kids before the unnessesary tasks is a struggle we all have inside. 

Life is too short and can end so unexpectedly that I don't want my kids to wait, just so I can check my email or wash the dishes or pick up their mess that they're just going to make again in the next 10 minutes.  I want to enjoy it now, and that's just what we're trying to do.  We drop the dishes after dinner and go to the park, even when we're dragging because of a long day...just because 3 little girls want to.  And it always ends up great, and the whole family is always happy in the end.  Happiness is really what this ride around the sun is all about.

Live life simply, live it now and live life raw...just as it is.  I think that's my new theme this life raw, just as it is.

**Don't forget about Kelly's GIVEAWAY that runs through Monday, May 10th ~ See Post Below**

**If you're in my area (southeast of the Twin Cites)...come out to our garage sale this weekend!!!  Contact me if you want/need details!!

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