So, hopefully you've noticed the changes...and like them :)
Have you ever tried or aspired to be something that just wasn't in you. God just didn't give you those genes, and probably for a good reason. I think that's what I was trying to do with the 'old' blog. Not that is wasn't me, but I was holding back, afraid that you'd all think I was crazy for blurting out my every day happenings. In reality though, isn't it comforting to hear that someone else's life is just as crazy, or can-you-imagine crazier, than yours?! Food for the soul possibly. Someone else on this great big earth is probably in, has been, or will be in my shoes, and maybe my words can be of comfort to someone at sometime in their journey on this earth.
You can say I have a new passion burning deep in my soul. I've been touched by a lot of things lately and I can brutally tell you I am seriously stuck on a lot of things going on in our lives right now. But we'll be ok, we'll make it through, we have Him on our side and we're gonna kick this journey into some serious fun (and probably more craziness). I totally feel like I'm freaking you all out right now, but I do have some purpose to this...there is an ultimate goal and although it's still in the play books, it's soon going to be released out in to the field of play. And we'll just see how it goes.
So welcome, new and old, to the new bekima knits...behind the scene. Random chatterings of owning and operating a home based business with 3 kids under the age of 4, and our life adventures that are going to take us places. Oh, they are going to take us to some great places.
Oh, and if you're wondering who the other is in the 'both of us'...that would be me, I got a drastic new hair color yesterday (thank you Britt and I LOVE it!) and I feel like a whole new woman, ready to conquer the world. Watch out I come!
Peace and Goodnight :)
2024 Stocking Stuffer Guide for Kids, Tweens & Teens
3 months ago
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